Secondary Nomination and Co-Referencing of Medical Terms in the Strategy of Harmonizing Indicators of Knowledge Assimilation in the Doctor's Portfolio

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Ozar Mintser
Larysa Babintseva
Olga Sukhanova


Doctor's portfolio, continuous professional development of doctors, intelligent algorithms of information analysis, co-referencing of medical information, secondary nomination of medical terms, cognitive structures


Some issues of the formation of the portfolio of doctors during continuous professional development are considered. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of the evaluation of the analyzed information, in particular, the problems of secondary nomination and co-referentiality of medical terms. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the prerequisites for creating a new type of portfolio by using methods of intellectual analysis of multidimensional information, as well as the formation of models and cognitive structures, which should become a central event in person-oriented active learning. It is shown that in order to ensure an adequate mechanism for evaluating multidimensional information in the doctors' portfolio, it is advisable to use ensembles of algorithms for intelligent analysis of big data. Conclusions: 1. The portfolio of doctors and pharmacists is of exceptional importance for the functioning of the system of continuous professional development of the relevant specialists. It helps organize lifelong learning and allows you to keep all evidence of learning and professional activity. 2. Taking into account the importance of the portfolio, it should be capable of standardized and formally calculated evaluation. 3. The entry of information into the portfolio is preceded by the determination of the semantic equivalence of the available information regarding the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge. 4. It is proposed to use ensembles of approaches to the analysis and arrangement of information in the portfolio - a combination of several algorithms that function simultaneously and provide an opportunity to correct possible errors. 5. The proposed decision-making algorithm during the preliminary analysis of information for the portfolio.

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