About the Journal


The aim of the Journal of Applied Interdisciplinary Research (JAIR) is offering researchers and young scientists in applied sciences a platform for putting interdisciplinary research topics and scientific results to discussion, analyzing problems and offering solutions. It is one of the first scientific journals to provide an interdisciplinary forum for applied research.

JAIR addresses researchers in applied sciences and is specifically aimed at academic readers from diverse disciplines who conduct application-oriented research and who have an interest in interdisciplinary debates. In the spirit of the principles of transparent science, it is an open access journal, which means that beyond the scientific audience, the general public also has access to the results of scientific research. The Deggendorf Institute of Technology is guided by the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.

The JAIR is an interdisciplinary open access journal in which researchers from different academic levels publish according to high scientific standards and in compliance with the principles of Good Scientific Practice. We welcome application-oriented researchers from all academic institutions: You are more than welcome to submit a paper! The JAIR is an English-language journal, although, in the spirit of open science, we are open to accepting papers in other languages with an appropriate English translation.

Quality Control

Compliance with the principles of Good Scientific Practice as well as the scientific and methodological standards of the respective disciplines are mandatory for acceptance. The JAIR, as well as its authors and reviewers, are committed to adhering to the rules of Good Scientific Practice and to avoiding scientific misconduct.

Accordingly, there is a double-blind peer review procedure based on scientific standards. Reviewers play a decisive role in the scientific publication process in order to safeguard the quality of the publications. For each submission that is accepted for review, two qualified, external reviewers are selected.

The principal editors and the editorial board monitor compliance with scientific standards. They are supported and advised by a scientific advisory board consisting of DIT scientists with research and publication experience as well as external members from other universities and scientific institutions. On the basis of the expert opinions, the editors decide on the acceptance of contributions. In case of conflict, the advisory board is consulted and, if necessary, a third expert opinion is obtained.

Contributions are initially forwarded to reviewers in anonymous fashion (double blind). If the decision to publish the article is positive following the peer review process - and only in this case - the author(s) and the reviewer(s) might be disclosed. 

Guidelines for Reviewers

As reviewers, you have a crucial role in the scientific publication process to ensure the quality of the articles. Please follow the recommendations of the Council of Science Editors‘ White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications regarding your responsibilities towards authors, editors and readers. We ask reviewers to respect the ethical standards of peer reviewing processes, which include the following:

  • Maintain confidentiality in dealing with the contribution to be reviewed,
  • provide constructive feedback,
  • outline your competencies,
  • evaluate objectively and with integrity,
  • disclose potential conflicts of interests,
  • keep to the agreed time or be available in case of delays.

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Thiha Aung, MHBA - Applied Healthcare Sciences (AI augmented decision support system, oncology)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dorner - Applied Informatics (Geomatics, Spatio-temporal modelling)
Prof. Dr. Georgi Chaltikyan - ECRI (digital health, health care management)
Prof. Dr. Mouzhi Ge - European Campus Rottal Inn | ECRI (data analytics)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber - TH Ingolstadt (energy economics, sustainable energy systems)
Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Kassler - Applied Informatics (mobile networks, application of machine learning in networks, intelligent distributed systems)
Prof. Dr. Katerina Volchek - ECRI (smart tourism)