Information For Authors

What happens after submission?

Academic peer review 

The contribution undergoes a classic academic twofold double-blind peer review process according to our regular requirements for academic publishing at the JAIR. Authors are asked to re-work their contributions considering the reviewers’ suggestions and corrections.

What is different to the classic publishing process?

Public review

In a second step, the revised version of your contribution after academic peer reviewing will undergo a public review process. This process will be realized in the following way: The contribution will be uploaded to Sharepoint by the Journal’s editorial team. This review process will also be double-blind for authors and commentators. Each contribution will have an academic mentor who will administrate the public reviewing process. External academic and non-academic reviewers are invited via your networks to participate in the review process. They need to contact us, and we will provide them the access to the article. Comments can be made by commentary function. We ask reviewers not to make changes in the text itself. In order to find non-academic reviewers, we are going to launch a call for reviewers via your and our networks in LinkedIn. After one month, the public review process will be closed.

Publication of your contribution

At the JAIR website we will publish the final version of your contribution having undergone the academic double-blind peer review process and the double-blind public review process. Together with this final version we will also publish the comments of the academic and the public reviewers. We encourage reviewers in the sense of open science and transparency to disclose their identity with the publication of the final article and the comments. 


Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.