Assessment of the Possibility of Implementing the Strategy of Information Integration of Health Care Systems

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Ozar Mintser
Natalia Sinienko


Medical platforms, continuous professional development (CPD), globalization of education, regional platforms, information technology, integration of healthcare systems, big data, integration, interoperability and discrimination of medical data, flipped learning, online learning


This study considers the problems of globalization of medical education and practical health-care in consideration of the wide implementation of information technologies. The creation of unified educational medical systems is hindered by many factors, among which the most important are the lack of standardized technological platforms and educational programs, assessment processes, and
most importantly, data processing methodology. The purpose of the study was to assess the possibility of integrating health-care information at the current stage of information systems development, in order to support future medical education. Conclusions: 1. The creation of a single integrated health-care system on a global scale seems unlikely today. We can only talk about the extent of harmonization of the relevant systems through the interoperability of their data. 2. The constant avalanche-like growth of data dictates the continuous growth of data management problems. At the same time, the right combination of localization, adaptation to cultural diversity and technologies, in the context of sufficient resources and adequate infrastructure in specific countries, is extremely necessary.

Abstract 158 | Assessment of the possibility Downloads 42


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