Acceptance of Artificially Intelligent Digital Humans in Online Shops A modelling approach

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Madeleine Taglinger
Stephanie Jordan
Alexander H. Kracklauer


Digital human, innovation, artificial intelligence, UTAUT2, online shopping


The UTAUT2 model is used to investigate the factors that influence consumer acceptance of artificially intelligent digital humans in online stores. Digital humans can be defined as a digital avatar that can mimic a full range of human behaviors (Ward, Boom, and Majenburg 2022). Six simple linear regression analyses are conducted to identify the determinants of intention to use digital humans. In the final multiple regression model, which includes the influences of six independent latent variables and three control variables (gender, age, and experience) on behavioral intention, statistically significant influences are identified for two variables: performance expectancy and habit. The results show that there is a tendency to accept the use of digital humans in online stores. Performance expectancy emerges as the strongest positive predictor of behavioral intention. In addition, hedonic motivation shows a positive influence on behavioral intention in the simple regression analysis, while the multiple regression results show a
minimal negative correlation. The results may provide important insights into the adoption of innovative digital human technologies.

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