Analyse der Publikationsaktivität zu Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung: zwei getrennte oder doch ein Megatrend?


  • Roland Zink Technische Hochschule Deggendorf



sustainability, digitalization, publication analysis


Sustainability and digitalization are described as global megatrends for the 21st century and are now both linked to the ability of societies to develop, the preservation of our
livelihoods, and social and economic prosperity. Often, the two areas are described as independent megatrends, which, however, require increased joint thinking in the
future. Based on the WBGU's flagship report (2019) "Towards our Common Digital Future" [1], in which this postulation is made, the article uses a quantitative analysis
to illustrate scientific publication activity on sustainable development and on digital transformation in a historical perspective. The results show, on the one hand, high
dynamics in the individual processing of both topics, which began at different times, and, on the other hand, that a joint consideration has just begun in the recent past.
A short discussion on the mutual integration of the megatrends in guiding strategies concludes the article.

