Editorial Team
Principal Editors
Sperber, Peter Prof. Dr. rer. nat., President of
the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) praesident@th-deg.de
Grzemba, Andreas Prof. Dr.-Ing., Vice President
of Research and Technology Transfer (DIT) vp-forschung@th-deg.de
Editorial Board
Ahrens, Diane Prof. Dr. (THD) diane.ahrens@th-deg.de
Benstetter, Günther Prof Dr.-Ing. (THD) guenther.benstetter@th-deg.de
Börret, Rainer Prof. Dr.-Ing (HS Aalen) rainer.boerret@hs-aalen.de
Brotsack, Raimund Prof. Dr. rer. nat. (THD) raimund.brotsack@th-deg.de
Dorner, Wolfgang Prof. Dr. (THD) wolfgang.dorner@th-deg.de
Hiller, Jochen Prof. Dr.-Ing. (THD) jochen.hiller@th-deg.de
Klühspies, Johannes Prof. Dr. habil. (THD) johannes.kluehspies@th-deg.de
Kunhardt, Horst Prof. Dr. biol. hum. (THD) horst.kunhardt@th-deg.de
Lanza, Mario, PhD (Soochow University, VR China) mlanza@suda.edu.cn
Rascher, Rolf Prof. Dr.-Ing. (THD) rolf.rascher@th-deg.de
Schönwetter, Gerald Prof. Dr. (FH OÖ Steyr) gerald.schoenwetter@fh-steyr.at
Valeske, Bernd, Prof. Dr.-Ing. (HTW Saar/
Fraunhofer IZFP) bernd.valeske@izfp.fraunhofer.de
Editorial Team
Seffer, Kristin Dr. info@jas.bayern.de
Kinateder, Esther info@jas.bayern.de
Production Editor & Design
Rockinger, Sabrina info@jas.bayern.de
Weindl, Kathrin info@jas.bayern.de