Harm Bandholz

Harm Bandholz is the Chief US Economist for UniCredit. In his role, he analyzes the macroeconomy as well as monetary and fiscal policy developments, in particular those with relevance for financial markets. Before joining the bank, Dr. Bandholz worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of Business Cycle Analyses & Financial Markets of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich, and as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Department of Economics at Hamburg University. He is a member of the Economic Club of New York, the Forecasters Club of New York, the American Council on Germany, the New York Society of Security Analysts, and the CFA Institute.

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Previously published articles in the Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences:

Die Entwicklung der Langfristzinsen in den USA und das Quantitative Easing der FED (Issue 2 / December 2016)